Privacy Policy

As a visitor to

We value the privacy of our visitors, which is why we don't track individual users. As a guest to, we don't collect personal information, store data in your browser, share your information with third-parties, advertising companies, or monetize your information. We use the Metriken Analytics tool to collect anonymous usage data for statistical purposes.

As a customer and subscriber of Metriken

At, we prioritize the security and privacy of your data. To ensure the highest standards of data protection, privacy, and security, we have established partnerships with trusted external service providers. For our application infrastructure, we rely on AWS (Amazon Web Services), a leading cloud computing platform. AWS offers a robust and scalable infrastructure that enables us to deliver a reliable and efficient service to our users. We have chosen AWS based on its industry-leading data protection measures and its commitment to maintaining the highest security standards. Furthermore, we store event data securely using ClickHouse is a powerful and efficient analytical database management system designed for handling large volumes of data. We have selected for its strong focus on data privacy and security. By leveraging, we ensure that your event data is stored in a safe and protected environment. Both AWS and are carefully selected based on their adherence to rigorous data privacy and security standards. It's important to note that all the data, including event data stored in, is maintained within the eu-central-1 region. This ensures compliance with data regulations and provides an additional layer of data sovereignty. We remain committed to maintaining the confidentiality and integrity of your data throughout our data collection and storage processes. Your privacy and trust are of utmost importance to us.

What we collect and what we use it for

An email address is required to create an account. This is for you to log in, personalize your account, and for us to send you invoices, updates, or essential information. All data we collect is fully secured, encrypted and hosted on servers based in the EU.

Retention of data

We will retain your information as long as your account is active, as necessary to provide you with the services or as otherwise set forth in this policy. You can choose to delete your Metriken account at any time. All your data will be permanently deleted immediately when you delete your account.

Changes and questions

We may update this policy as needed to comply with relevant regulations and reflect any new practices. Whenever we make a significant change to our policies, we will also announce them on our company blog or social media profiles.

Please feel free to contact us at if you have any questions, comments, or concerns about this privacy policy, your data, or your rights.